Divali and the Story of the Ramayana



  • Suitable for:
    • - KS1
    • - KS2
  • Compatible with:
    • - Microsoft PowerPoint

Download this 12-slide PowerPoint and accompanying story of the Ramayana to use in an assembly or RE lesson to learn about the festival of Divali. Find out about this Hindu celebration, which takes place in October/November. Teach your children to value festivals from other traditions and cultures, to respect occasions celebrated by others and to share in the hope that evil need not go on for ever. Included with this resource is the Story of the Ramayana, a story of how Prince Rama fought the wicked demon king, Ravana and the message of the story is that when things seem bad, we need strength to stand up for what is right and good. A great time-saving resource to use for an assembly or RE lesson!

  • Divali and the Story of the Ramayana PowerPoint (12-slides)
  • The Story of the Ramayana (3x A4 pages)