Maths Calculation Policy



  • Suitable for:
    • - KS1
    • - KS2
  • Compatible with:
    • - Microsoft Word

A Mathematics Calculation Policy for you to download –  A Policy for the Four Operations of Number that is cross referenced with the Maths Curriculum 2014 that you could easily adopt or adapt for your school.  This is a tried and tested resource that will enable you to present information about your maths curriculum confidently to parents and governors. This product includes a covering letter for parents to introduce the Policy.  The Calculation Policy includes examples of calculation for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for year groups 1-6.  Download now and update  your school’s Calculation Policy in time for the new Curriculum in September!

Mathematics Calculation Policy - A Policy for the Four Operations of Number (Cross Referenced with the Maths Curriculum 2014) Covering letter for parents to accompany Calculation Policy