Moving and Growing – Pack



  • Suitable for:
    • - KS1
    • - KS2
  • Compatible with:
    • - Microsoft PowerPoint

This comprehensive pack includes a PowerPoint and Activities for teaching Moving & Growing. It asks ‘What are we like inside?’, explains how animals can move in different ways and has ideas for investigations children will enjoy! Examine pictures of X-rays and dinosaurs and use the prompts to discuss how they are now extinct, but their skeletons are sometimes found preserved in the ground. A fabulous, tried and tested, resource!

1 x 20- slide informative, interactive PowerPoint (MS PowerPoint) 12 pages of worksheets and activities (MS Word) Ideas for activities to promote higher order thinking skills  (MS Word) Ideas for topic-related home learning activities  (MS Word) 12 pages of questions to stimulate children's thinking and discussion  (MS Word)