One Small Step
- Suitable for:
- - KS1
- - KS2
- Compatible with:
- - Microsoft PowerPoint
Download this 27-slide PowerPoint, One Small Step, to use in an assembly or PSHE lesson about transition. The PowerPoint explains that all journeys, whether short or long, start with one step. It tells the story of a man who took just one step, but this was one of the most important and famous steps ever taken. Using the Apollo 11 launch, journey in space and Moon landing, this PowerPoint describes Neil Armstrong’s first step on the Moon. Continuing this theme, you can use the slides to help children remember the journey you have taken together during this year at school; remembering the steps you have taken each term. There is a reflection and prayer – both encouraging children to step out bravely as they come to the end of this year and may be looking forwards to their new school journey. Download now for a really useful, tried and tested transition resource!