Starting Stories



  • Suitable for:
    • - KS1
    • - KS2
  • Compatible with:
    • - Microsoft PowerPoint

Download this 17-slide PowerPoint to help children learn how to start their stories and grab their reader’s attention. The PowerPoint includes tips on how to write a great story by starting with a hook, a question, describing a setting or character, action, dialogue or a statement. It reminds us to consider where and when is the story set? Who are the characters? What is going to happen and what is the mood of the story? Also included are two discussion mats with story openings and a story starter rubric that children can use as a self assessment or paired assessment tool. A fantastic resource to improve the standard of story writing in your class!

1 x 17-slide Starting Stories PowerPoint (MS PowerPoint) A4 Discussion mats (MS Word) 1 x A4 story starter - Rubric (MS Word)