
Lent Bundle

Original price was: £11.40.Current price is: £5.70.


  • Suitable for:
    • - KS1
    • - KS2
    • - KS3
  • Compatible with:
    • - Microsoft PowerPoint

Save 50% on this bundle of 3 PowerPoints for Lent!

Save money with this Bundle and teach children about the forty day season of Lent. This money saving bundle of PowerPoints explain how Christians prepare during Lent, explain why Ash Wednesday is important and that Lent is a time for making promises, resisting temptation, forgiving and asking for forgiveness.  These are informative, accessible resources that will also help children understand the importance of Mothering Sunday and Holy Week and explain what Christians believe about Lent and and how they celebrate Easter.  Download now and use in assemblies or RE Lessons.

  • 40 Days of Lent PowerPoint (23 slides)
  • L is for Lent PowerPoint (13 slides)
  • Lent Assembly PowerPoint (26 slides)